![]() |
A free COBOL compiler
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cobc.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include <stddef.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
union | yyalloc |
Typedefs | |
typedef unsigned char | yytype_uint8 |
typedef signed char | yytype_int8 |
typedef unsigned short int | yytype_uint16 |
typedef short int | yytype_int16 |
Enumerations | |
enum | yytokentype { TOKEN_EOF = 0, ACCEPT = 258, ACCESS = 259, ADD = 260, ADDRESS = 261, ADVANCING = 262, AFTER = 263, ALL = 264, ALLOCATE = 265, ALPHABET = 266, ALPHABETIC = 267, ALPHABETIC_LOWER = 268, ALPHABETIC_UPPER = 269, ALPHANUMERIC = 270, ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED = 271, ALSO = 272, ALTER = 273, ALTERNATE = 274, AND = 275, ANY = 276, ARE = 277, AREA = 278, ARGUMENT_NUMBER = 279, ARGUMENT_VALUE = 280, AS = 281, ASCENDING = 282, ASCII = 283, ASSIGN = 284, AT = 285, ATTRIBUTE = 286, AUTO = 287, AUTOMATIC = 288, AWAY_FROM_ZERO = 289, BACKGROUND_COLOR = 290, BASED = 291, BEFORE = 292, BELL = 293, BINARY = 294, BINARY_C_LONG = 295, BINARY_CHAR = 296, BINARY_DOUBLE = 297, BINARY_LONG = 298, BINARY_SHORT = 299, BLANK = 300, BLINK = 301, BLOCK = 302, BOTTOM = 303, BY = 304, BYTE_LENGTH = 305, CALL = 306, CANCEL = 307, CAPACITY = 308, CF = 309, CH = 310, CHAINING = 311, CHARACTER = 312, CHARACTERS = 313, CLASS = 314, CLASSIFICATION = 315, CLOSE = 316, CODE = 317, CODE_SET = 318, COLLATING = 319, COL = 320, COLS = 321, COLUMN = 322, COLUMNS = 323, COMMA = 324, COMMAND_LINE = 325, COMMA_DELIM = 326, COMMIT = 327, COMMON = 328, COMP = 329, COMPUTE = 330, COMP_1 = 331, COMP_2 = 332, COMP_3 = 333, COMP_4 = 334, COMP_5 = 335, COMP_6 = 336, COMP_X = 337, CONCATENATE_FUNC = 338, CONDITION = 339, CONFIGURATION = 340, CONSTANT = 341, CONTAINS = 342, CONTENT = 343, CONTINUE = 344, CONTROL = 345, CONTROLS = 346, CONVERSION = 347, CONVERTING = 348, COPY = 349, CORRESPONDING = 350, COUNT = 351, CRT = 352, CRT_UNDER = 353, CURRENCY = 354, CURRENT_DATE_FUNC = 355, CURSOR = 356, CYCLE = 357, DATA = 358, DATE = 359, DAY = 360, DAY_OF_WEEK = 361, DE = 362, DEBUGGING = 363, DECIMAL_POINT = 364, DECLARATIVES = 365, DEFAULT = 366, DELETE = 367, DELIMITED = 368, DELIMITER = 369, DEPENDING = 370, DESCENDING = 371, DETAIL = 372, DISC = 373, DISK = 374, DISPLAY = 375, DISPLAY_OF_FUNC = 376, DIVIDE = 377, DIVISION = 378, DOWN = 379, DUPLICATES = 380, DYNAMIC = 381, EBCDIC = 382, EC = 383, ELSE = 384, END = 385, END_ACCEPT = 386, END_ADD = 387, END_CALL = 388, END_COMPUTE = 389, END_DELETE = 390, END_DISPLAY = 391, END_DIVIDE = 392, END_EVALUATE = 393, END_FUNCTION = 394, END_IF = 395, END_MULTIPLY = 396, END_PERFORM = 397, END_PROGRAM = 398, END_READ = 399, END_RETURN = 400, END_REWRITE = 401, END_SEARCH = 402, END_START = 403, END_STRING = 404, END_SUBTRACT = 405, END_UNSTRING = 406, END_WRITE = 407, ENTRY = 408, ENVIRONMENT = 409, ENVIRONMENT_NAME = 410, ENVIRONMENT_VALUE = 411, EOL = 412, EOP = 413, EOS = 414, EQUAL = 415, ERASE = 416, ERROR = 417, ESCAPE = 418, EVALUATE = 419, EVENT_STATUS = 420, EXCEPTION = 421, EXCEPTION_CONDITION = 422, EXCLUSIVE = 423, EXIT = 424, EXPONENTIATION = 425, EXTEND = 426, EXTERNAL = 427, FD = 428, FILE_CONTROL = 429, FILE_ID = 430, FILLER = 431, FINAL = 432, FIRST = 433, FLOAT_BINARY_128 = 434, FLOAT_BINARY_32 = 435, FLOAT_BINARY_64 = 436, FLOAT_DECIMAL_16 = 437, FLOAT_DECIMAL_34 = 438, FLOAT_DECIMAL_7 = 439, FLOAT_EXTENDED = 440, FLOAT_LONG = 441, FLOAT_SHORT = 442, FOOTING = 443, FOR = 444, FOREGROUND_COLOR = 445, FOREVER = 446, FORMATTED_DATE_FUNC = 447, FORMATTED_DATETIME_FUNC = 448, FORMATTED_TIME_FUNC = 449, FREE = 450, FROM = 451, FROM_CRT = 452, FULL = 453, FUNCTION = 454, FUNCTION_ID = 455, FUNCTION_NAME = 456, GENERATE = 457, GIVING = 458, GLOBAL = 459, GO = 460, GOBACK = 461, GREATER = 462, GREATER_OR_EQUAL = 463, GRID = 464, GROUP = 465, HEADING = 466, HIGHLIGHT = 467, HIGH_VALUE = 468, ID = 469, IDENTIFICATION = 470, IF = 471, IGNORE = 472, IGNORING = 473, IN = 474, INDEX = 475, INDEXED = 476, INDICATE = 477, INITIALIZE = 478, INITIALIZED = 479, INITIATE = 480, INPUT = 481, INPUT_OUTPUT = 482, INSPECT = 483, INTO = 484, INTRINSIC = 485, INVALID = 486, INVALID_KEY = 487, IS = 488, I_O = 489, I_O_CONTROL = 490, JUSTIFIED = 491, KEPT = 492, KEY = 493, KEYBOARD = 494, LABEL = 495, LAST = 496, LEADING = 497, LEFT = 498, LEFTLINE = 499, LENGTH = 500, LENGTH_OF = 501, LESS = 502, LESS_OR_EQUAL = 503, LIMIT = 504, LIMITS = 505, LINAGE = 506, LINAGE_COUNTER = 507, LINE = 508, LINE_COUNTER = 509, LINES = 510, LINKAGE = 511, LITERAL = 512, LOCALE = 513, LOCALE_DATE_FUNC = 514, LOCALE_TIME_FUNC = 515, LOCALE_TIME_FROM_FUNC = 516, LOCAL_STORAGE = 517, LOCK = 518, LOWER = 519, LOWER_CASE_FUNC = 520, LOWLIGHT = 521, LOW_VALUE = 522, MANUAL = 523, MEMORY = 524, MERGE = 525, MINUS = 526, MNEMONIC_NAME = 527, MODE = 528, MOVE = 529, MULTIPLE = 530, MULTIPLY = 531, NAME = 532, NATIONAL = 533, NATIONAL_EDITED = 534, NATIONAL_OF_FUNC = 535, NATIVE = 536, NEAREST_AWAY_FROM_ZERO = 537, NEAREST_EVEN = 538, NEAREST_TOWARD_ZERO = 539, NEGATIVE = 540, NEXT = 541, NEXT_PAGE = 542, NO = 543, NO_ECHO = 544, NORMAL = 545, NOT = 546, NOTHING = 547, NOT_END = 548, NOT_EOP = 549, NOT_ESCAPE = 550, NOT_EQUAL = 551, NOT_EXCEPTION = 552, NOT_INVALID_KEY = 553, NOT_OVERFLOW = 554, NOT_SIZE_ERROR = 555, NO_ADVANCING = 556, NUMBER = 557, NUMBERS = 558, NUMERIC = 559, NUMERIC_EDITED = 560, NUMVALC_FUNC = 561, OBJECT_COMPUTER = 562, OCCURS = 563, OF = 564, OFF = 565, OMITTED = 566, ON = 567, ONLY = 568, OPEN = 569, OPTIONAL = 570, OR = 571, ORDER = 572, ORGANIZATION = 573, OTHER = 574, OUTPUT = 575, OVERLINE = 576, PACKED_DECIMAL = 577, PADDING = 578, PAGE = 579, PAGE_COUNTER = 580, PARAGRAPH = 581, PERFORM = 582, PH = 583, PF = 584, PICTURE = 585, PICTURE_SYMBOL = 586, PLUS = 587, POINTER = 588, POSITION = 589, POSITIVE = 590, PRESENT = 591, PREVIOUS = 592, PRINT = 593, PRINTER = 594, PRINTER_1 = 595, PRINTING = 596, PROCEDURE = 597, PROCEDURES = 598, PROCEED = 599, PROGRAM = 600, PROGRAM_ID = 601, PROGRAM_NAME = 602, PROGRAM_POINTER = 603, PROHIBITED = 604, PROMPT = 605, PROTECTED = 606, QUOTE = 607, RANDOM = 608, RD = 609, READ = 610, READY_TRACE = 611, RECORD = 612, RECORDING = 613, RECORDS = 614, RECURSIVE = 615, REDEFINES = 616, REEL = 617, REFERENCE = 618, REFERENCES = 619, RELATIVE = 620, RELEASE = 621, REMAINDER = 622, REMOVAL = 623, RENAMES = 624, REPLACE = 625, REPLACING = 626, REPORT = 627, REPORTING = 628, REPORTS = 629, REPOSITORY = 630, REQUIRED = 631, RESERVE = 632, RESET = 633, RESET_TRACE = 634, RETURN = 635, RETURNING = 636, REVERSE_FUNC = 637, REVERSE_VIDEO = 638, REVERSED = 639, REWIND = 640, REWRITE = 641, RF = 642, RH = 643, RIGHT = 644, ROLLBACK = 645, ROUNDED = 646, RUN = 647, SAME = 648, SCREEN = 649, SCREEN_CONTROL = 650, SCROLL = 651, SD = 652, SEARCH = 653, SECTION = 654, SECURE = 655, SEGMENT_LIMIT = 656, SELECT = 657, SEMI_COLON = 658, SENTENCE = 659, SEPARATE = 660, SEQUENCE = 661, SEQUENTIAL = 662, SET = 663, SHARING = 664, SIGN = 665, SIGNED = 666, SIGNED_INT = 667, SIGNED_LONG = 668, SIGNED_SHORT = 669, SIZE = 670, SIZE_ERROR = 671, SORT = 672, SORT_MERGE = 673, SOURCE = 674, SOURCE_COMPUTER = 675, SPACE = 676, SPECIAL_NAMES = 677, STANDARD = 678, STANDARD_1 = 679, STANDARD_2 = 680, START = 681, STATIC = 682, STATUS = 683, STDCALL = 684, STEP = 685, STOP = 686, STRING = 687, SUBSTITUTE_FUNC = 688, SUBSTITUTE_CASE_FUNC = 689, SUBTRACT = 690, SUM = 691, SUPPRESS = 692, SYMBOLIC = 693, SYNCHRONIZED = 694, SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 695, SYSTEM_OFFSET = 696, TAB = 697, TALLYING = 698, TAPE = 699, TERMINATE = 700, TEST = 701, THAN = 702, THEN = 703, THRU = 704, TIME = 705, TIMEOUT = 706, TIMES = 707, TO = 708, TOK_AMPER = 709, TOK_CLOSE_PAREN = 710, TOK_COLON = 711, TOK_DIV = 712, TOK_DOT = 713, TOK_EQUAL = 714, TOK_FALSE = 715, TOK_FILE = 716, TOK_GREATER = 717, TOK_INITIAL = 718, TOK_LESS = 719, TOK_MINUS = 720, TOK_MUL = 721, TOK_NULL = 722, TOK_OVERFLOW = 723, TOK_OPEN_PAREN = 724, TOK_PLUS = 725, TOK_TRUE = 726, TOP = 727, TOWARD_GREATER = 728, TOWARD_LESSER = 729, TRAILING = 730, TRANSFORM = 731, TRIM_FUNC = 732, TRUNCATION = 733, TYPE = 734, UNDERLINE = 735, UNIT = 736, UNLOCK = 737, UNSIGNED = 738, UNSIGNED_INT = 739, UNSIGNED_LONG = 740, UNSIGNED_SHORT = 741, UNSTRING = 742, UNTIL = 743, UP = 744, UPDATE = 745, UPON = 746, UPON_ARGUMENT_NUMBER = 747, UPON_COMMAND_LINE = 748, UPON_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = 749, UPON_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE = 750, UPPER = 751, UPPER_CASE_FUNC = 752, USAGE = 753, USE = 754, USER = 755, USER_DEFAULT = 756, USER_FUNCTION_NAME = 757, USING = 758, VALUE = 759, VARYING = 760, WAIT = 761, WHEN = 762, WHEN_COMPILED_FUNC = 763, WITH = 764, WORD = 765, WORDS = 766, WORKING_STORAGE = 767, WRITE = 768, YYYYDDD = 769, YYYYMMDD = 770, ZERO = 771, SHIFT_PREFER = 772, TOKEN_EOF = 0, ACCEPT = 258, ACCESS = 259, ADD = 260, ADDRESS = 261, ADVANCING = 262, AFTER = 263, ALL = 264, ALLOCATE = 265, ALPHABET = 266, ALPHABETIC = 267, ALPHABETIC_LOWER = 268, ALPHABETIC_UPPER = 269, ALPHANUMERIC = 270, ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED = 271, ALSO = 272, ALTER = 273, ALTERNATE = 274, AND = 275, ANY = 276, ARE = 277, AREA = 278, ARGUMENT_NUMBER = 279, ARGUMENT_VALUE = 280, AS = 281, ASCENDING = 282, ASCII = 283, ASSIGN = 284, AT = 285, ATTRIBUTE = 286, AUTO = 287, AUTOMATIC = 288, AWAY_FROM_ZERO = 289, BACKGROUND_COLOR = 290, BASED = 291, BEFORE = 292, BELL = 293, BINARY = 294, BINARY_C_LONG = 295, BINARY_CHAR = 296, BINARY_DOUBLE = 297, BINARY_LONG = 298, BINARY_SHORT = 299, BLANK = 300, BLINK = 301, BLOCK = 302, BOTTOM = 303, BY = 304, BYTE_LENGTH = 305, CALL = 306, CANCEL = 307, CAPACITY = 308, CF = 309, CH = 310, CHAINING = 311, CHARACTER = 312, CHARACTERS = 313, CLASS = 314, CLASSIFICATION = 315, CLOSE = 316, CODE = 317, CODE_SET = 318, COLLATING = 319, COL = 320, COLS = 321, COLUMN = 322, COLUMNS = 323, COMMA = 324, COMMAND_LINE = 325, COMMA_DELIM = 326, COMMIT = 327, COMMON = 328, COMP = 329, COMPUTE = 330, COMP_1 = 331, COMP_2 = 332, COMP_3 = 333, COMP_4 = 334, COMP_5 = 335, COMP_6 = 336, COMP_X = 337, CONCATENATE_FUNC = 338, CONDITION = 339, CONFIGURATION = 340, CONSTANT = 341, CONTAINS = 342, CONTENT = 343, CONTINUE = 344, CONTROL = 345, CONTROLS = 346, CONVERSION = 347, CONVERTING = 348, COPY = 349, CORRESPONDING = 350, COUNT = 351, CRT = 352, CRT_UNDER = 353, CURRENCY = 354, CURRENT_DATE_FUNC = 355, CURSOR = 356, CYCLE = 357, DATA = 358, DATE = 359, DAY = 360, DAY_OF_WEEK = 361, DE = 362, DEBUGGING = 363, DECIMAL_POINT = 364, DECLARATIVES = 365, DEFAULT = 366, DELETE = 367, DELIMITED = 368, DELIMITER = 369, DEPENDING = 370, DESCENDING = 371, DETAIL = 372, DISC = 373, DISK = 374, DISPLAY = 375, DISPLAY_OF_FUNC = 376, DIVIDE = 377, DIVISION = 378, DOWN = 379, DUPLICATES = 380, DYNAMIC = 381, EBCDIC = 382, EC = 383, ELSE = 384, END = 385, END_ACCEPT = 386, END_ADD = 387, END_CALL = 388, END_COMPUTE = 389, END_DELETE = 390, END_DISPLAY = 391, END_DIVIDE = 392, END_EVALUATE = 393, END_FUNCTION = 394, END_IF = 395, END_MULTIPLY = 396, END_PERFORM = 397, END_PROGRAM = 398, END_READ = 399, END_RETURN = 400, END_REWRITE = 401, END_SEARCH = 402, END_START = 403, END_STRING = 404, END_SUBTRACT = 405, END_UNSTRING = 406, END_WRITE = 407, ENTRY = 408, ENVIRONMENT = 409, ENVIRONMENT_NAME = 410, ENVIRONMENT_VALUE = 411, EOL = 412, EOP = 413, EOS = 414, EQUAL = 415, ERASE = 416, ERROR = 417, ESCAPE = 418, EVALUATE = 419, EVENT_STATUS = 420, EXCEPTION = 421, EXCEPTION_CONDITION = 422, EXCLUSIVE = 423, EXIT = 424, EXPONENTIATION = 425, EXTEND = 426, EXTERNAL = 427, FD = 428, FILE_CONTROL = 429, FILE_ID = 430, FILLER = 431, FINAL = 432, FIRST = 433, FLOAT_BINARY_128 = 434, FLOAT_BINARY_32 = 435, FLOAT_BINARY_64 = 436, FLOAT_DECIMAL_16 = 437, FLOAT_DECIMAL_34 = 438, FLOAT_DECIMAL_7 = 439, FLOAT_EXTENDED = 440, FLOAT_LONG = 441, FLOAT_SHORT = 442, FOOTING = 443, FOR = 444, FOREGROUND_COLOR = 445, FOREVER = 446, FORMATTED_DATE_FUNC = 447, FORMATTED_DATETIME_FUNC = 448, FORMATTED_TIME_FUNC = 449, FREE = 450, FROM = 451, FROM_CRT = 452, FULL = 453, FUNCTION = 454, FUNCTION_ID = 455, FUNCTION_NAME = 456, GENERATE = 457, GIVING = 458, GLOBAL = 459, GO = 460, GOBACK = 461, GREATER = 462, GREATER_OR_EQUAL = 463, GRID = 464, GROUP = 465, HEADING = 466, HIGHLIGHT = 467, HIGH_VALUE = 468, ID = 469, IDENTIFICATION = 470, IF = 471, IGNORE = 472, IGNORING = 473, IN = 474, INDEX = 475, INDEXED = 476, INDICATE = 477, INITIALIZE = 478, INITIALIZED = 479, INITIATE = 480, INPUT = 481, INPUT_OUTPUT = 482, INSPECT = 483, INTO = 484, INTRINSIC = 485, INVALID = 486, INVALID_KEY = 487, IS = 488, I_O = 489, I_O_CONTROL = 490, JUSTIFIED = 491, KEPT = 492, KEY = 493, KEYBOARD = 494, LABEL = 495, LAST = 496, LEADING = 497, LEFT = 498, LEFTLINE = 499, LENGTH = 500, LENGTH_OF = 501, LESS = 502, LESS_OR_EQUAL = 503, LIMIT = 504, LIMITS = 505, LINAGE = 506, LINAGE_COUNTER = 507, LINE = 508, LINE_COUNTER = 509, LINES = 510, LINKAGE = 511, LITERAL = 512, LOCALE = 513, LOCALE_DATE_FUNC = 514, LOCALE_TIME_FUNC = 515, LOCALE_TIME_FROM_FUNC = 516, LOCAL_STORAGE = 517, LOCK = 518, LOWER = 519, LOWER_CASE_FUNC = 520, LOWLIGHT = 521, LOW_VALUE = 522, MANUAL = 523, MEMORY = 524, MERGE = 525, MINUS = 526, MNEMONIC_NAME = 527, MODE = 528, MOVE = 529, MULTIPLE = 530, MULTIPLY = 531, NAME = 532, NATIONAL = 533, NATIONAL_EDITED = 534, NATIONAL_OF_FUNC = 535, NATIVE = 536, NEAREST_AWAY_FROM_ZERO = 537, NEAREST_EVEN = 538, NEAREST_TOWARD_ZERO = 539, NEGATIVE = 540, NEXT = 541, NEXT_PAGE = 542, NO = 543, NO_ECHO = 544, NORMAL = 545, NOT = 546, NOTHING = 547, NOT_END = 548, NOT_EOP = 549, NOT_ESCAPE = 550, NOT_EQUAL = 551, NOT_EXCEPTION = 552, NOT_INVALID_KEY = 553, NOT_OVERFLOW = 554, NOT_SIZE_ERROR = 555, NO_ADVANCING = 556, NUMBER = 557, NUMBERS = 558, NUMERIC = 559, NUMERIC_EDITED = 560, NUMVALC_FUNC = 561, OBJECT_COMPUTER = 562, OCCURS = 563, OF = 564, OFF = 565, OMITTED = 566, ON = 567, ONLY = 568, OPEN = 569, OPTIONAL = 570, OR = 571, ORDER = 572, ORGANIZATION = 573, OTHER = 574, OUTPUT = 575, OVERLINE = 576, PACKED_DECIMAL = 577, PADDING = 578, PAGE = 579, PAGE_COUNTER = 580, PARAGRAPH = 581, PERFORM = 582, PH = 583, PF = 584, PICTURE = 585, PICTURE_SYMBOL = 586, PLUS = 587, POINTER = 588, POSITION = 589, POSITIVE = 590, PRESENT = 591, PREVIOUS = 592, PRINT = 593, PRINTER = 594, PRINTER_1 = 595, PRINTING = 596, PROCEDURE = 597, PROCEDURES = 598, PROCEED = 599, PROGRAM = 600, PROGRAM_ID = 601, PROGRAM_NAME = 602, PROGRAM_POINTER = 603, PROHIBITED = 604, PROMPT = 605, PROTECTED = 606, QUOTE = 607, RANDOM = 608, RD = 609, READ = 610, READY_TRACE = 611, RECORD = 612, RECORDING = 613, RECORDS = 614, RECURSIVE = 615, REDEFINES = 616, REEL = 617, REFERENCE = 618, REFERENCES = 619, RELATIVE = 620, RELEASE = 621, REMAINDER = 622, REMOVAL = 623, RENAMES = 624, REPLACE = 625, REPLACING = 626, REPORT = 627, REPORTING = 628, REPORTS = 629, REPOSITORY = 630, REQUIRED = 631, RESERVE = 632, RESET = 633, RESET_TRACE = 634, RETURN = 635, RETURNING = 636, REVERSE_FUNC = 637, REVERSE_VIDEO = 638, REVERSED = 639, REWIND = 640, REWRITE = 641, RF = 642, RH = 643, RIGHT = 644, ROLLBACK = 645, ROUNDED = 646, RUN = 647, SAME = 648, SCREEN = 649, SCREEN_CONTROL = 650, SCROLL = 651, SD = 652, SEARCH = 653, SECTION = 654, SECURE = 655, SEGMENT_LIMIT = 656, SELECT = 657, SEMI_COLON = 658, SENTENCE = 659, SEPARATE = 660, SEQUENCE = 661, SEQUENTIAL = 662, SET = 663, SHARING = 664, SIGN = 665, SIGNED = 666, SIGNED_INT = 667, SIGNED_LONG = 668, SIGNED_SHORT = 669, SIZE = 670, SIZE_ERROR = 671, SORT = 672, SORT_MERGE = 673, SOURCE = 674, SOURCE_COMPUTER = 675, SPACE = 676, SPECIAL_NAMES = 677, STANDARD = 678, STANDARD_1 = 679, STANDARD_2 = 680, START = 681, STATIC = 682, STATUS = 683, STDCALL = 684, STEP = 685, STOP = 686, STRING = 687, SUBSTITUTE_FUNC = 688, SUBSTITUTE_CASE_FUNC = 689, SUBTRACT = 690, SUM = 691, SUPPRESS = 692, SYMBOLIC = 693, SYNCHRONIZED = 694, SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 695, SYSTEM_OFFSET = 696, TAB = 697, TALLYING = 698, TAPE = 699, TERMINATE = 700, TEST = 701, THAN = 702, THEN = 703, THRU = 704, TIME = 705, TIMEOUT = 706, TIMES = 707, TO = 708, TOK_AMPER = 709, TOK_CLOSE_PAREN = 710, TOK_COLON = 711, TOK_DIV = 712, TOK_DOT = 713, TOK_EQUAL = 714, TOK_FALSE = 715, TOK_FILE = 716, TOK_GREATER = 717, TOK_INITIAL = 718, TOK_LESS = 719, TOK_MINUS = 720, TOK_MUL = 721, TOK_NULL = 722, TOK_OVERFLOW = 723, TOK_OPEN_PAREN = 724, TOK_PLUS = 725, TOK_TRUE = 726, TOP = 727, TOWARD_GREATER = 728, TOWARD_LESSER = 729, TRAILING = 730, TRANSFORM = 731, TRIM_FUNC = 732, TRUNCATION = 733, TYPE = 734, UNDERLINE = 735, UNIT = 736, UNLOCK = 737, UNSIGNED = 738, UNSIGNED_INT = 739, UNSIGNED_LONG = 740, UNSIGNED_SHORT = 741, UNSTRING = 742, UNTIL = 743, UP = 744, UPDATE = 745, UPON = 746, UPON_ARGUMENT_NUMBER = 747, UPON_COMMAND_LINE = 748, UPON_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = 749, UPON_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE = 750, UPPER = 751, UPPER_CASE_FUNC = 752, USAGE = 753, USE = 754, USER = 755, USER_DEFAULT = 756, USER_FUNCTION_NAME = 757, USING = 758, VALUE = 759, VARYING = 760, WAIT = 761, WHEN = 762, WHEN_COMPILED_FUNC = 763, WITH = 764, WORD = 765, WORDS = 766, WORKING_STORAGE = 767, WRITE = 768, YYYYDDD = 769, YYYYMMDD = 770, ZERO = 771, SHIFT_PREFER = 772, TOKEN_EOF = 0, ALSO = 258, BY = 259, COPY = 260, EQEQ = 261, IN = 262, LAST = 263, LEADING = 264, OF = 265, OFF = 266, PRINTING = 267, REPLACE = 268, REPLACING = 269, SUPPRESS = 270, TRAILING = 271, DOT = 272, GARBAGE = 273, SOURCE_DIRECTIVE = 274, FORMAT = 275, IS = 276, FIXED = 277, FREE = 278, DEFINE_DIRECTIVE = 279, AS = 280, PARAMETER = 281, OVERRIDE = 282, SET_DIRECTIVE = 283, CONSTANT = 284, SOURCEFORMAT = 285, FOLDCOPYNAME = 286, NOFOLDCOPYNAME = 287, IF_DIRECTIVE = 288, ELSE_DIRECTIVE = 289, ENDIF_DIRECTIVE = 290, ELIF_DIRECTIVE = 291, GE = 292, LE = 293, LT = 294, GT = 295, EQ = 296, NE = 297, NOT = 298, THAN = 299, TO = 300, OR = 301, EQUAL = 302, GREATER = 303, LESS = 304, SET = 305, DEFINED = 306, TURN_DIRECTIVE = 307, ON = 308, CHECKING = 309, WITH = 310, LOCATION = 311, TERMINATOR = 312, TOKEN = 313, VARIABLE = 314, LITERAL = 315, TOKEN_EOF = 0, ALSO = 258, BY = 259, COPY = 260, EQEQ = 261, IN = 262, LAST = 263, LEADING = 264, OF = 265, OFF = 266, PRINTING = 267, REPLACE = 268, REPLACING = 269, SUPPRESS = 270, TRAILING = 271, DOT = 272, GARBAGE = 273, SOURCE_DIRECTIVE = 274, FORMAT = 275, IS = 276, FIXED = 277, FREE = 278, DEFINE_DIRECTIVE = 279, AS = 280, PARAMETER = 281, OVERRIDE = 282, SET_DIRECTIVE = 283, CONSTANT = 284, SOURCEFORMAT = 285, FOLDCOPYNAME = 286, NOFOLDCOPYNAME = 287, IF_DIRECTIVE = 288, ELSE_DIRECTIVE = 289, ENDIF_DIRECTIVE = 290, ELIF_DIRECTIVE = 291, GE = 292, LE = 293, LT = 294, GT = 295, EQ = 296, NE = 297, NOT = 298, THAN = 299, TO = 300, OR = 301, EQUAL = 302, GREATER = 303, LESS = 304, SET = 305, DEFINED = 306, TURN_DIRECTIVE = 307, ON = 308, CHECKING = 309, WITH = 310, LOCATION = 311, TERMINATOR = 312, TOKEN = 313, VARIABLE = 314, LITERAL = 315 } |
Functions | |
static void | begin_statement (const char *name, const unsigned int term) |
static void | begin_implicit_statement (void) |
static void | emit_entry (const char *name, const int encode, cb_tree using_list) |
static size_t | increment_depth (void) |
static void | terminator_warning (cb_tree stmt, const unsigned int termid, const char *name) |
static void | terminator_error (cb_tree stmt, const unsigned int termid, const char *name) |
static void | terminator_clear (cb_tree stmt, const unsigned int termid) |
static int | literal_value (cb_tree x) |
static void | set_up_use_file (struct cb_file *fileptr) |
static void | check_relaxed_syntax (const unsigned int lev) |
static void | check_headers_present (const unsigned int lev1, const unsigned int lev2, const unsigned int lev3, const unsigned int lev4) |
static void | build_nested_special (const int ndepth) |
static void | clear_initial_values (void) |
static void | begin_scope_of_program_name (struct cb_program *program) |
static void | remove_program_name (struct cb_list *l, struct cb_list *prev) |
static void | end_scope_of_program_name (struct cb_program *program) |
static int | set_up_program (cb_tree id, cb_tree as_literal, const unsigned char type) |
static void | decrement_depth (const char *name, const unsigned char type) |
static void | clean_up_program (cb_tree name, const unsigned char type) |
static const char * | get_literal_or_word_name (const cb_tree x) |
static int | check_prototype_redefines_current_func (const cb_tree prototype_name) |
static int | check_for_duplicate_prototype (const cb_tree prototype_name, const cb_tree func_prototype) |
static void | set_up_func_prototype (cb_tree prototype_name, cb_tree ext_name, const int is_current_func) |
static void | emit_duplicate_clause_message (const char *clause) |
static void | check_repeated (const char *clause, const unsigned int bitval, unsigned int *already_seen) |
static void | check_not_both (const int flag1, const int flag2, const char *flag1_name, const char *flag2_name, const int flags, const int flag_to_set) |
static COB_INLINE COB_A_INLINE void | check_not_highlight_and_lowlight (const int flags, const int flag_to_set) |
static void | check_screen_attr (const char *clause, const int bitval) |
static void | emit_conflicting_clause_message (const char *clause, const char *conflicting) |
static void | check_attr_with_conflict (const char *clause, const int bitval, const char *confl_clause, const int confl_bit, int *flags) |
static COB_INLINE COB_A_INLINE void | check_screen_attr_with_conflict (const char *clause, const int bitval, const char *confl_clause, const int confl_bit) |
static COB_INLINE COB_A_INLINE void | check_dispattr_with_conflict (const char *attrib_name, const int attrib, const char *confl_name, const int confl_attrib) |
static void | bit_set_attr (const cb_tree onoff, const int attrval) |
static void | attach_attrib_to_cur_stmt (void) |
static void | check_field_attribs (cb_tree fgc, cb_tree bgc, cb_tree scroll, cb_tree timeout, cb_tree prompt, cb_tree size_is) |
static void | check_attribs (cb_tree fgc, cb_tree bgc, cb_tree scroll, cb_tree timeout, cb_tree prompt, cb_tree size_is, const int attrib) |
static void | check_attribs_with_conflict (cb_tree fgc, cb_tree bgc, cb_tree scroll, cb_tree timeout, cb_tree prompt, cb_tree size_is, const char *attrib_name, const int attrib, const char *confl_name, const int confl_attrib) |
static int | zero_conflicting_flag (const int screen_flag, int parent_flag, const int flag1, const int flag2) |
static int | zero_conflicting_flags (const int screen_flag, int parent_flag) |
static void | remove_attrib (int attrib) |
static void | check_set_usage (const enum cb_usage usage) |
static int | has_relative_pos (struct cb_field const *field) |
static void | check_not_88_level (cb_tree x) |
static int | is_screen_field (cb_tree x) |
static int | contains_only_screen_field (struct cb_list *x_list) |
static COB_INLINE COB_A_INLINE void | emit_default_screen_display (cb_tree x_list) |
static cb_tree | get_default_display_device () |
static void | emit_default_device_display (cb_tree x_list) |
static void | emit_default_displays_for_x_list (struct cb_list *x_list) |
static void | error_if_no_advancing_in_screen_display (cb_tree advancing) |
int | yyparse (void) |
static void | yy_symbol_value_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, cb_tree const *const yyvaluep) |
static void | yy_symbol_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, cb_tree const *const yyvaluep) |
static void | yy_stack_print (yytype_int16 *yybottom, yytype_int16 *yytop) |
static void | yy_reduce_print (yytype_int16 *yyssp, cb_tree *yyvsp, int yyrule) |
static size_t | yystrlen (const char *yystr) |
static char * | yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc) |
static size_t | yytnamerr (char *yyres, const char *yystr) |
static int | yysyntax_error (size_t *yymsg_alloc, char **yymsg, yytype_int16 *yyssp, int yytoken) |
static void | yydestruct (const char *yymsg, int yytype, cb_tree *yyvaluep) |
Variables | |
struct cb_program * | current_program = ((void*)0) |
struct cb_statement * | current_statement = ((void*)0) |
struct cb_label * | current_section = ((void*)0) |
struct cb_label * | current_paragraph = ((void*)0) |
cb_tree | defined_prog_list = ((void*)0) |
char * | cobc_glob_line = ((void*)0) |
int | cb_exp_line = 0 |
cb_tree | cobc_printer_node = ((void*)0) |
int | functions_are_all = 0 |
int | non_const_word = 0 |
unsigned int | cobc_in_procedure = 0 |
unsigned int | cobc_in_repository = 0 |
unsigned int | cobc_force_literal = 0 |
unsigned int | cobc_cs_check = 0 |
static struct cb_statement * | main_statement |
static cb_tree | current_expr |
static struct cb_field * | current_field |
static struct cb_field * | description_field |
static struct cb_file * | current_file |
static struct cb_report * | current_report |
static struct cb_report * | report_instance |
static struct cb_file * | linage_file |
static cb_tree | next_label_list |
static char * | stack_progid [16] |
static enum cb_storage | current_storage |
static cb_tree | perform_stack |
static cb_tree | qualifier |
static cb_tree | save_tree |
static cb_tree | start_tree |
static unsigned int | check_unreached |
static unsigned int | in_declaratives |
static unsigned int | in_debugging |
static unsigned int | current_linage |
static unsigned int | report_count |
static unsigned int | prog_end |
static unsigned int | use_global_ind |
static unsigned int | samearea |
static unsigned int | inspect_keyword |
static unsigned int | main_flag_set |
static int | next_label_id |
static int | eval_level |
static int | eval_inc |
static int | eval_inc2 |
static int | depth |
static int | first_nested_program |
static int | call_mode |
static int | size_mode |
static int | setattr_val_on |
static int | setattr_val_off |
static unsigned int | check_duplicate |
static unsigned int | check_on_off_duplicate |
static unsigned int | check_pic_duplicate |
static unsigned int | check_comp_duplicate |
static int | check_line_col_duplicate |
static unsigned int | skip_statements |
static unsigned int | start_debug |
static unsigned int | save_debug |
static unsigned int | needs_field_debug |
static unsigned int | needs_debug_item |
static unsigned int | env_div_seen |
static unsigned int | header_check |
static unsigned int | call_nothing |
static cb_tree | advancing_value |
static cb_tree | upon_value |
static cb_tree | line_column |
static int | term_array [22U] |
static cb_tree | eval_check [32][32] |
int | yydebug |
cb_tree | yylval |
static const yytype_uint16 | yytranslate [] |
static const yytype_uint16 | yyrline [] |
static const char *const | yytname [] |
static const yytype_int16 | yypact [] |
static const yytype_uint16 | yydefact [] |
static const yytype_int16 | yypgoto [] |
static const yytype_int16 | yydefgoto [] |
static const yytype_int16 | yytable [] |
static const yytype_int16 | yycheck [] |
static const yytype_uint16 | yystos [] |
static const yytype_uint16 | yyr1 [] |
static const yytype_uint8 | yyr2 [] |
int | yychar |
int | yynerrs |
#define _Noreturn YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__noreturn__)) |
Definition at line 262 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax().
Definition at line 252 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
#define COBC_HD_DATA_DIVISION (1U << 6) |
Definition at line 257 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
Definition at line 251 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
#define COBC_HD_FILE_CONTROL (1U << 4) |
Definition at line 255 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
#define COBC_HD_FILE_SECTION (1U << 7) |
Definition at line 258 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
#define COBC_HD_I_O_CONTROL (1U << 5) |
Definition at line 256 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
Definition at line 254 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
#define COBC_HD_LINKAGE_SECTION (1U << 10) |
Definition at line 261 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
Definition at line 260 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
Definition at line 265 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), set_up_program(), and yyparse().
#define COBC_HD_PROGRAM_ID (1U << 15) |
Definition at line 266 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
#define COBC_HD_REPORT_SECTION (1U << 12) |
Definition at line 263 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax().
#define COBC_HD_SCREEN_SECTION (1U << 13) |
Definition at line 264 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax().
#define COBC_HD_SPECIAL_NAMES (1U << 2) |
Definition at line 253 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
Definition at line 259 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_relaxed_syntax(), and yyparse().
#define emit_statement | ( | x | ) |
Definition at line 88 of file parser.c.
Referenced by begin_statement(), emit_entry(), and yyparse().
#define PENDING | ( | x | ) | cb_warning (_("'%s' not implemented"), x) |
#define PROG_DEPTH 16 |
Definition at line 164 of file parser.c.
Referenced by increment_depth().
#define push_expr | ( | type, | |
node | |||
) | current_expr = cb_build_list (cb_int (type), node, current_expr) |
#define SYN_CLAUSE_5 (1U << 4) |
Definition at line 134 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_set_usage(), and yyparse().
#define TERMINATOR_CLEAR | ( | x, | |
z | |||
) | terminator_clear (x, TERM_##z) |
#define TERMINATOR_ERROR | ( | x, | |
z | |||
) | terminator_error (x, TERM_##z, #z) |
#define TERMINATOR_WARNING | ( | x, | |
z | |||
) | terminator_warning (x, TERM_##z, #z) |
#define YY_ | ( | Msgid | ) | Msgid |
Definition at line 1933 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse(), and yysyntax_error().
#define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__pure__)) |
#define YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__unused__)) |
Definition at line 1983 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yydestruct(), and yyparse().
Definition at line 1984 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yydestruct(), and yyparse().
#define YY_NULLPTR 0 |
Definition at line 1316 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yysyntax_error().
#define YY_REDUCE_PRINT | ( | Rule | ) |
Definition at line 6275 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse().
#define YY_STACK_PRINT | ( | Bottom, | |
Top | |||
) |
Definition at line 6244 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse().
#define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT | ( | Title, | |
Type, | |||
Value, | |||
Location | |||
) |
Definition at line 6182 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yydestruct(), and yyparse().
#define YYBACKUP | ( | Token, | |
Value | |||
) |
#define YYCASE_ | ( | N, | |
S | |||
) |
Referenced by yysyntax_error().
#define YYCOPY | ( | Dst, | |
Src, | |||
Count | |||
) |
#define YYDPRINTF | ( | Args | ) |
#define YYEMPTY (-2) |
Definition at line 6129 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse(), and yysyntax_error().
#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0) |
#define YYFPRINTF fprintf |
Definition at line 6167 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yy_reduce_print(), yy_stack_print(), and yy_symbol_print().
#define YYLAST 8985 |
Definition at line 2122 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse(), and yysyntax_error().
#define YYNTOKENS 518 |
Definition at line 2125 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yy_symbol_print(), yy_symbol_value_print(), yyparse(), and yysyntax_error().
#define yypact_value_is_default | ( | Yystate | ) | (!!((Yystate) == (-2264))) |
Definition at line 2817 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse(), and yysyntax_error().
#define YYSIZE_T size_t |
Definition at line 1917 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse(), yystrlen(), yysyntax_error(), and yytnamerr().
Definition at line 2033 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yysyntax_error().
#define YYSTACK_BYTES | ( | N | ) |
#define YYSTACK_RELOCATE | ( | Stack_alloc, | |
Stack | |||
) |
Referenced by yyparse().
#define yytable_value_is_error | ( | Yytable_value | ) | 0 |
Definition at line 2822 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse(), and yysyntax_error().
#define YYTERROR 1 |
Definition at line 6157 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse(), and yysyntax_error().
#define YYTRANSLATE | ( | YYX | ) | ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK) |
#define YYUSE | ( | E | ) | ((void) (E)) |
Definition at line 1966 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yy_symbol_value_print(), and yydestruct().
typedef short int yytype_int16 |
typedef signed char yytype_int8 |
typedef unsigned short int yytype_uint16 |
typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8 |
enum yytokentype |
Definition at line 1343 of file parser.c.
static |
Definition at line 1075 of file parser.c.
References cb_statement::attr_ptr, and cobc_parse_malloc().
Referenced by check_attribs(), and check_attribs_with_conflict().
static |
Definition at line 290 of file parser.c.
References cb_statement::body, cb_build_statement(), cb_list_add(), CB_TREE, cb_statement::flag_in_debug, in_debugging, and NULL.
Referenced by emit_default_displays_for_x_list(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 695 of file parser.c.
References _, CB_CHAIN, cb_error_x(), cb_list_add(), CB_VALUE, cb_program::orig_program_id, and cb_program::program_name.
Referenced by set_up_program().
static |
Definition at line 271 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_build_statement(), cb_source_file, cb_source_line, CB_TREE, cb_warning(), check_unreached, cobc_glob_line, current_statement, emit_statement, cb_statement::flag_in_debug, cb_label::flag_statement, in_debugging, cb_statement::statement, and term_array.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1065 of file parser.c.
References cb_int1, setattr_val_off, and setattr_val_on.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 620 of file parser.c.
References cb_build_constant(), cb_build_reference(), CB_CHAIN, cb_define(), cb_name(), CB_PURPOSE, CB_SYSTEM_NAME_P, CB_VALUE, and cb_program::mnemonic_spec_list.
Referenced by set_up_program().
static |
Definition at line 1035 of file parser.c.
References emit_conflicting_clause_message(), and emit_duplicate_clause_message().
Referenced by check_dispattr_with_conflict(), check_screen_attr_with_conflict(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1114 of file parser.c.
References attach_attrib_to_cur_stmt(), cb_statement::attr_ptr, check_field_attribs(), and cb_attr_struct::dispattrs.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1125 of file parser.c.
References attach_attrib_to_cur_stmt(), check_dispattr_with_conflict(), and check_field_attribs().
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1057 of file parser.c.
References cb_statement::attr_ptr, check_attr_with_conflict(), and cb_attr_struct::dispattrs.
Referenced by check_attribs_with_conflict().
static |
Definition at line 1084 of file parser.c.
References cb_statement::attr_ptr, cb_attr_struct::bgc, cb_attr_struct::fgc, cb_attr_struct::prompt, cb_attr_struct::scroll, cb_attr_struct::size_is, and cb_attr_struct::timeout.
Referenced by check_attribs(), and check_attribs_with_conflict().
static |
Definition at line 912 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error_x(), CB_FUNC_PROTOTYPE, CB_FUNC_PROTOTYPE_P, cb_ref(), cb_warning_x(), CB_WORD_COUNT, get_literal_or_word_name(), and redefinition_error().
Referenced by set_up_func_prototype().
static |
Definition at line 590 of file parser.c.
References check_relaxed_syntax(), and header_check.
Referenced by set_up_program(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1191 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error(), cb_error_node, CB_FIELD, cb_ref(), CB_TAG_REFERENCE, cb_field::level, and cb_tree_common::tag.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 990 of file parser.c.
References _, and cb_error().
Referenced by check_not_highlight_and_lowlight().
static |
Definition at line 1005 of file parser.c.
References check_not_both(), COB_SCREEN_HIGHLIGHT, and COB_SCREEN_LOWLIGHT.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 898 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_warning_x(), get_literal_or_word_name(), and cb_program::program_name.
Referenced by set_up_func_prototype().
static |
Definition at line 525 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_headers_present(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 980 of file parser.c.
References emit_duplicate_clause_message().
Referenced by check_set_usage(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1012 of file parser.c.
References emit_duplicate_clause_message(), and cb_field::screen_flag.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1049 of file parser.c.
References check_attr_with_conflict(), and cb_field::screen_flag.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1176 of file parser.c.
References check_pic_duplicate, check_repeated(), SYN_CLAUSE_5, and cb_field::usage.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 866 of file parser.c.
References CB_LITERAL, CB_LITERAL_P, CB_NAME, cb_validate_program_body(), decrement_depth(), end_scope_of_program_name(), and cb_program::flag_validated.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 641 of file parser.c.
References CB_STORAGE_WORKING, check_comp_duplicate, check_duplicate, check_pic_duplicate, check_unreached, cobc_force_literal, cobc_free(), cobc_glob_line, cobc_in_procedure, cobc_in_repository, current_linage, current_storage, env_div_seen, eval_inc, eval_inc2, eval_level, header_check, in_debugging, in_declaratives, inspect_keyword, needs_debug_item, needs_field_debug, next_label_id, non_const_word, NULL, report_count, samearea, save_debug, setattr_val_off, setattr_val_on, skip_statements, start_debug, term_array, and use_global_ind.
Referenced by set_up_program(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1219 of file parser.c.
References cb_list_length(), cb_null, and is_screen_field().
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 833 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error(), CB_FUNCTION_TYPE, depth, and stack_progid.
Referenced by clean_up_program().
static |
Definition at line 1022 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error(), and cb_warning().
Referenced by check_attr_with_conflict().
static |
Definition at line 1243 of file parser.c.
References cb_emit_display(), cb_int1, get_default_display_device(), and NULL.
Referenced by emit_default_displays_for_x_list().
static |
Definition at line 1250 of file parser.c.
References begin_implicit_statement(), cb_error(), cb_list_add(), CB_LIST_INIT, cb_ref(), CB_REFERENCE_P, cb_list::chain, emit_default_device_display(), emit_default_screen_display(), cb_program::flag_console_is_crt, is_screen_field(), NULL, value, and cb_list::value.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1227 of file parser.c.
References cb_emit_display(), cb_int1, cb_null, and NULL.
Referenced by emit_default_displays_for_x_list().
static |
Definition at line 970 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error(), and cb_warning().
Referenced by check_attr_with_conflict(), check_repeated(), and check_screen_attr().
static |
Definition at line 315 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_build_debug(), cb_build_label(), CB_BUILD_PAIR, cb_build_reference(), CB_CHAIN, cb_debug_contents, cb_encode_program_id(), cb_error_node, cb_error_x(), CB_FIELD, CB_FUNCTION_TYPE, CB_LABEL, cb_list_append(), cb_name(), CB_PURPOSE, cb_ref(), cb_source_file, cb_source_line, CB_STORAGE_LINKAGE, CB_STORAGE_WORKING, CB_TREE, CB_VALID_TREE, CB_VALUE, cb_warning(), COB_MINI_BUFF, COB_MINI_MAX, emit_statement, cb_program::entry_list, cb_field::flag_chained, cb_program::flag_chained, cb_program::flag_debugging, cb_field::flag_external, cb_field::flag_is_pdiv_parm, cb_field::flag_item_based, cb_field::level, cb_program::linkage_storage, cb_field::name, NULL, cb_program::orig_program_id, cb_field::param_num, cb_program::prog_type, cb_field::redefines, cb_program::returning, cb_field::sister, cb_tree_common::source_file, cb_tree_common::source_line, and cb_field::storage.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 737 of file parser.c.
References CB_LIST, CB_PROGRAM, cb_list::chain, cb_program::flag_common, cb_program::nested_level, NULL, cb_program::orig_program_id, remove_program_name(), and cb_list::value.
Referenced by clean_up_program().
static |
static |
Definition at line 1233 of file parser.c.
References cb_int0, cb_null, and cb_program::flag_console_is_crt.
Referenced by emit_default_device_display(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 887 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_for_duplicate_prototype(), and check_prototype_redefines_current_func().
static |
Definition at line 1183 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 423 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error(), depth, and PROG_DEPTH.
Referenced by set_up_program(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1207 of file parser.c.
Referenced by contains_only_screen_field(), emit_default_displays_for_x_list(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 476 of file parser.c.
References CB_CLASS_NUMERIC, cb_get_int(), cb_high, CB_LITERAL, cb_low, cb_null, cb_quote, cb_space, CB_TREE_CLASS, and cb_zero.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 1166 of file parser.c.
References cb_statement::attr_ptr, and cb_attr_struct::dispattrs.
Referenced by yyparse().
Definition at line 725 of file parser.c.
References cb_list::chain, cobc_parse_free(), and NULL.
Referenced by end_scope_of_program_name().
static |
Definition at line 943 of file parser.c.
References cb_build_func_prototype(), cb_build_reference(), cb_define(), cb_list_add(), CB_LITERAL, CB_REFERENCE_P, check_for_duplicate_prototype(), check_prototype_redefines_current_func(), and cb_program::user_spec_list.
Referenced by yyparse().
Definition at line 777 of file parser.c.
References begin_scope_of_program_name(), build_nested_special(), cb_build_program(), cb_build_program_id(), cb_build_registers(), cb_define(), CB_FUNCTION_TYPE, CB_LITERAL, CB_LITERAL_P, CB_NAME, CB_PROGRAM_TYPE, CB_REFERENCE_P, CB_TREE, cb_validate_program_body(), check_headers_present(), clear_initial_values(), cobc_flag_main, COBC_HD_PROCEDURE_DIVISION, depth, first_nested_program, cb_program::flag_main, cb_program::flag_recursive, cb_program::flag_validated, increment_depth(), main_flag_set, NULL, prog_end, cb_program::prog_type, cb_program::program_id, and stack_progid.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 498 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error(), cb_list_add(), CB_TREE, COB_ORG_SORT, cobc_parse_malloc(), current_program, current_section, cb_file::flag_global, cb_program::global_file_list, cb_file::handler, cb_file::handler_prog, cb_program::local_file_list, cb_file::organization, and use_global_ind.
Referenced by yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 465 of file parser.c.
References check_unreached, cobc_parse_free(), and term_array.
static |
Definition at line 451 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_error_x(), CB_TREE, check_unreached, cobc_parse_free(), and term_array.
static |
Definition at line 434 of file parser.c.
References _, cb_warning_x(), check_unreached, cobc_parse_free(), and term_array.
static |
Definition at line 6256 of file parser.c.
References yy_symbol_print(), and YYFPRINTF.
static |
static |
Definition at line 6218 of file parser.c.
References yy_symbol_value_print(), YYFPRINTF, and YYNTOKENS.
Referenced by yy_reduce_print().
static |
Definition at line 6199 of file parser.c.
References YYNTOKENS, and YYUSE.
Referenced by yy_symbol_print().
static |
Definition at line 6536 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse().
int yyparse | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 6565 of file parser.c.
References _, ACCEPT, cb_file::access_mode, ADD, cb_literal::all, cb_program::all_procedure, cb_program::alphabet_name_list, cb_alphabet_name::alphabet_type, cb_file::alt_key_list, cb_file::assign, cb_statement::attr_ptr, begin_implicit_statement(), begin_statement(), bit_set_attr(), build_file(), build_report(), CALL, call_mode, call_nothing, cb_add_common_prog(), CB_ADD_TO_CHAIN, CB_AFTER, CB_ALPHABET_ASCII, CB_ALPHABET_CUSTOM, CB_ALPHABET_EBCDIC, CB_ALPHABET_NAME, CB_ALPHABET_NAME_P, CB_ALPHABET_NATIVE, cb_any, CB_BEFORE, cb_build_add(), cb_build_address(), cb_build_alphabet_name(), cb_build_alphanumeric_literal(), cb_build_assignment_name(), cb_build_binary_list(), cb_build_binary_op(), CB_BUILD_CHAIN, cb_build_class_name(), cb_build_comment(), cb_build_cond(), cb_build_const_length(), cb_build_constant(), cb_build_converting(), cb_build_debug(), cb_build_debug_item(), cb_build_display_mnemonic(), cb_build_display_name(), cb_build_expr(), cb_build_field_tree(), cb_build_filler(), CB_BUILD_FUNCALL_1, cb_build_goto(), cb_build_identifier(), cb_build_if_check_break(), cb_build_index(), cb_build_inspect_region_start(), cb_build_intrinsic(), cb_build_label(), cb_build_length(), cb_build_list(), cb_build_locale_name(), cb_build_numeric_literal(), CB_BUILD_PAIR, cb_build_perform_exit(), cb_build_perform_forever(), cb_build_perform_once(), cb_build_perform_times(), cb_build_perform_until(), cb_build_perform_varying(), cb_build_ppointer(), cb_build_program(), cb_build_program_id(), cb_build_reference(), cb_build_registers(), cb_build_replacing_all(), cb_build_replacing_characters(), cb_build_replacing_first(), cb_build_replacing_leading(), cb_build_replacing_trailing(), cb_build_section_name(), cb_build_sub(), cb_build_tallying_all(), cb_build_tallying_characters(), cb_build_tallying_data(), cb_build_tallying_leading(), cb_build_tallying_trailing(), cb_build_tallying_value(), cb_build_unstring_delimited(), cb_build_unstring_into(), cb_build_write_advancing_lines(), cb_build_write_advancing_mnemonic(), cb_build_write_advancing_page(), CB_CALL_BY_CONTENT, CB_CALL_BY_REFERENCE, CB_CALL_BY_VALUE, CB_CATEGORY_ALPHABETIC, CB_CATEGORY_ALPHANUMERIC, CB_CATEGORY_ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED, cb_category_is_alpha(), CB_CATEGORY_NATIONAL, CB_CATEGORY_NATIONAL_EDITED, CB_CATEGORY_NUMERIC, CB_CATEGORY_NUMERIC_EDITED, CB_CHAIN, CB_CHAIN_PAIR, cb_check_field_debug(), CB_CLASS_NAME_P, CB_CLASS_NUMERIC, cb_clear_real_field(), cb_concat_literals(), CB_CONV_NO_RET_UPD, CB_CONV_STATIC_LINK, CB_CONV_STDCALL, CB_CS_ASSIGN, CB_CS_CALL, CB_CS_DISPLAY, CB_CS_EXIT, CB_CS_SET, cb_debug_contents, cb_define(), cb_define_switch_name(), CB_DEVICE_CONSOLE, cb_emit_accept(), cb_emit_accept_arg_number(), cb_emit_accept_arg_value(), cb_emit_accept_command_line(), cb_emit_accept_date(), cb_emit_accept_date_yyyymmdd(), cb_emit_accept_day(), cb_emit_accept_day_of_week(), cb_emit_accept_day_yyyyddd(), cb_emit_accept_environment(), cb_emit_accept_escape_key(), cb_emit_accept_exception_status(), cb_emit_accept_line_or_col(), cb_emit_accept_mnemonic(), cb_emit_accept_name(), cb_emit_accept_time(), cb_emit_accept_user_name(), cb_emit_allocate(), cb_emit_alter(), cb_emit_arg_number(), cb_emit_arithmetic(), cb_emit_call(), cb_emit_cancel(), cb_emit_close(), cb_emit_command_line(), cb_emit_commit(), cb_emit_continue(), cb_emit_corresponding(), cb_emit_delete(), cb_emit_delete_file(), cb_emit_display(), cb_emit_display_omitted(), cb_emit_divide(), cb_emit_env_name(), cb_emit_env_value(), cb_emit_evaluate(), cb_emit_exit(), cb_emit_free(), cb_emit_get_environment(), cb_emit_goto(), cb_emit_if(), cb_emit_initialize(), cb_emit_inspect(), cb_emit_move(), cb_emit_move_corresponding(), cb_emit_open(), cb_emit_perform(), cb_emit_read(), cb_emit_ready_trace(), cb_emit_release(), cb_emit_reset_trace(), cb_emit_return(), cb_emit_rewrite(), cb_emit_rollback(), cb_emit_search(), cb_emit_search_all(), cb_emit_set_attribute(), cb_emit_set_false(), cb_emit_set_last_exception_to_off(), cb_emit_set_on_off(), cb_emit_set_to(), cb_emit_set_true(), cb_emit_set_up_down(), cb_emit_setenv(), cb_emit_sort_finish(), cb_emit_sort_giving(), cb_emit_sort_init(), cb_emit_sort_input(), cb_emit_sort_output(), cb_emit_sort_using(), cb_emit_start(), cb_emit_stop_run(), cb_emit_string(), cb_emit_unlock(), cb_emit_unstring(), cb_emit_write(), cb_error(), cb_error_node, cb_error_x(), CB_EXCEPTION_ENABLE, cb_exp_line, cb_false, CB_FEATURE_CONVENTION, CB_FIELD, CB_FIELD_ADD, CB_FIELD_P, CB_FIELD_PTR, CB_FILE, CB_FILE_P, CB_FUNCTION_TYPE, cb_get_int(), cb_get_level(), cb_get_real_field(), cb_high, cb_id, cb_init_tallying(), cb_int(), cb_int0, cb_int1, cb_int2, cb_int3, cb_int4, CB_INTEGER, CB_INTEGER_P, CB_INVALID_TREE, CB_LABEL, cb_list_add(), cb_list_append(), CB_LIST_INIT, cb_list_length(), cb_list_reverse(), CB_LITERAL, CB_LITERAL_P, cb_low, cb_name(), CB_NAME, cb_needs_01, cb_norm_high, cb_norm_low, cb_null, CB_OBSOLETE, cb_one, CB_PAIR_X, CB_PAIR_Y, CB_PERFORM, CB_PICTURE, CB_PROGRAM_TYPE, CB_PURPOSE, CB_PURPOSE_INT, cb_quote, cb_ref(), CB_REFERENCE, CB_REFERENCE_P, CB_REPORT, CB_REPORT_P, cb_resolve_redefines(), cb_program::cb_return_code, cb_set_system_names(), CB_SIZE_1, CB_SIZE_2, CB_SIZE_4, CB_SIZE_8, CB_SIZE_AUTO, CB_SIZE_UNSIGNED, CB_SIZES, cb_source_file, cb_source_line, cb_space, CB_STATEMENT, CB_STORAGE_FILE, CB_STORAGE_LINKAGE, CB_STORAGE_LOCAL, CB_STORAGE_REPORT, CB_STORAGE_SCREEN, CB_STORAGE_WORKING, CB_SWITCH_NAME, CB_SYSTEM_NAME, CB_TAG_FIELD, CB_TAG_FILE, cb_to_cname(), CB_TREE, cb_tree_category(), CB_TREE_CLASS, CB_TREE_TAG, cb_true, cb_unput_dot(), CB_USAGE_BINARY, CB_USAGE_COMP_5, CB_USAGE_COMP_6, CB_USAGE_COMP_X, CB_USAGE_DISPLAY, CB_USAGE_DOUBLE, CB_USAGE_FLOAT, CB_USAGE_FP_BIN128, CB_USAGE_FP_BIN32, CB_USAGE_FP_BIN64, CB_USAGE_FP_DEC128, CB_USAGE_FP_DEC64, CB_USAGE_INDEX, CB_USAGE_PACKED, CB_USAGE_POINTER, CB_USAGE_PROGRAM_POINTER, CB_USAGE_SIGNED_CHAR, CB_USAGE_SIGNED_INT, CB_USAGE_SIGNED_LONG, CB_USAGE_SIGNED_SHORT, CB_USAGE_UNSIGNED_CHAR, CB_USAGE_UNSIGNED_INT, CB_USAGE_UNSIGNED_LONG, CB_USAGE_UNSIGNED_SHORT, CB_VALID_TREE, cb_validate_78_item(), cb_validate_88_item(), cb_validate_field(), cb_validate_program_body(), cb_validate_program_data(), cb_validate_program_environment(), CB_VALUE, cb_verify(), cb_warning(), cb_warning_x(), CB_WORD_COUNT, CB_WORD_ITEMS, cb_zero, check_attr_with_conflict(), check_attribs(), check_attribs_with_conflict(), check_comp_duplicate, check_duplicate, check_headers_present(), check_line_col_duplicate, check_not_88_level(), check_not_highlight_and_lowlight(), check_on_off_duplicate, check_pic_duplicate, check_relaxed_syntax(), check_repeated(), check_screen_attr(), check_screen_attr_with_conflict(), check_set_usage(), check_unreached, cb_program::class_name_list, cb_program::classification, clean_up_program(), clear_initial_values(), COB_ACCESS_DYNAMIC, COB_ACCESS_RANDOM, COB_ACCESS_SEQUENTIAL, COB_ASCENDING, COB_CLOSE_LOCK, COB_CLOSE_NO_REWIND, COB_CLOSE_NORMAL, COB_CLOSE_UNIT, COB_CLOSE_UNIT_REMOVAL, COB_DESCENDING, COB_EC_I_O, COB_EC_I_O_AT_END, COB_EC_I_O_EOP, COB_EC_I_O_INVALID_KEY, COB_EC_IMP_ACCEPT, COB_EC_IMP_DISPLAY, COB_EC_OVERFLOW, COB_EC_SIZE, COB_EQ, COB_FI, COB_GE, COB_GT, COB_LA, COB_LE, COB_LOCK_AUTOMATIC, COB_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, COB_LOCK_MANUAL, COB_LOCK_MULTIPLE, COB_LOCK_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE, COB_LT, COB_MAX_FIELD_PARAMS, COB_MAX_SUBSCRIPTS, COB_NE, COB_OPEN_EXTEND, COB_OPEN_I_O, COB_OPEN_INPUT, COB_OPEN_OUTPUT, COB_ORG_INDEXED, COB_ORG_LINE_SEQUENTIAL, COB_ORG_RELATIVE, COB_ORG_SEQUENTIAL, COB_ORG_SORT, COB_SCREEN_AUTO, COB_SCREEN_BELL, COB_SCREEN_BLANK_LINE, COB_SCREEN_BLANK_SCREEN, COB_SCREEN_BLINK, COB_SCREEN_COLUMN_MINUS, COB_SCREEN_COLUMN_PLUS, COB_SCREEN_ERASE_EOL, COB_SCREEN_ERASE_EOS, COB_SCREEN_FULL, COB_SCREEN_GRID, COB_SCREEN_HIGHLIGHT, COB_SCREEN_INITIAL, COB_SCREEN_INPUT, COB_SCREEN_LEFTLINE, COB_SCREEN_LINE_MINUS, COB_SCREEN_LINE_PLUS, COB_SCREEN_LOWER, COB_SCREEN_LOWLIGHT, COB_SCREEN_NO_ECHO, COB_SCREEN_OVERLINE, COB_SCREEN_PROMPT, COB_SCREEN_REQUIRED, COB_SCREEN_REVERSE, COB_SCREEN_SCROLL_DOWN, COB_SCREEN_SECURE, COB_SCREEN_UNDERLINE, COB_SCREEN_UPDATE, COB_SCREEN_UPPER, COB_SELECT_STDIN, COB_SELECT_STDOUT, COB_STORE_AWAY_FROM_ZERO, COB_STORE_NEAR_AWAY_FROM_ZERO, COB_STORE_NEAR_EVEN, COB_STORE_NEAR_TOWARD_ZERO, COB_STORE_PROHIBITED, COB_STORE_ROUND, COB_STORE_TOWARD_GREATER, COB_STORE_TOWARD_LESSER, COB_STORE_TRUNCATION, cobc_check_valid_name(), cobc_cs_check, cobc_flag_main, COBC_HD_CONFIGURATION_SECTION, COBC_HD_DATA_DIVISION, COBC_HD_ENVIRONMENT_DIVISION, COBC_HD_FILE_CONTROL, COBC_HD_FILE_SECTION, COBC_HD_I_O_CONTROL, COBC_HD_INPUT_OUTPUT_SECTION, COBC_HD_LINKAGE_SECTION, COBC_HD_LOCAL_STORAGE_SECTION, COBC_HD_PROCEDURE_DIVISION, COBC_HD_PROGRAM_ID, COBC_HD_SPECIAL_NAMES, COBC_HD_WORKING_STORAGE_SECTION, cobc_in_procedure, cobc_in_repository, cobc_parse_free(), cobc_parse_malloc(), cb_file::code_set, cb_program::collating_sequence, cb_report::columns, COMPUTE, contains_only_screen_field(), cb_program::crt_status, cb_program::currency_symbol, current_field, current_file, current_linage, current_paragraph, current_program, current_report, current_section, current_storage, cb_program::cursor_pos, cb_perform::cycle_label, cb_program::debug_list, cb_program::decimal_point, DELETE, demangle_name, cb_field::depending, depth, description_field, cb_key::dir, cb_attr_struct::dispattrs, DISPLAY, DIVIDE, cb_alt_key::duplicates, emit_default_displays_for_x_list(), emit_entry(), emit_statement, cb_field::ename, cb_program::entry_list, error_if_no_advancing_in_screen_display(), errorcount, EVAL_DEPTH, eval_inc, eval_inc2, eval_level, EVALUATE, cb_program::exec_list, cb_label::exit_label, cb_perform::exit_label, cb_field::false_88, cb_report::file, cb_program::file_list, cb_file::file_status, finalize_file(), cb_report::first_detail, first_nested_program, cb_field::flag_any_length, cb_field::flag_any_numeric, cb_label::flag_begin, cb_field::flag_blank_zero, cb_program::flag_chained, cb_program::flag_common, cb_program::flag_console_is_crt, cb_program::flag_debugging, cb_label::flag_declarative_exit, cb_label::flag_declaratives, cb_label::flag_dummy_paragraph, cb_label::flag_dummy_section, cb_file::flag_ext_assign, cb_field::flag_external, cb_file::flag_external, cb_label::flag_fatal_check, cb_program::flag_file_global, cb_file::flag_fileid, cb_field::flag_filler, cb_label::flag_first_is_goto, cb_program::flag_gen_debug, cb_label::flag_global, cb_file::flag_global, cb_program::flag_global_use, cb_program::flag_has_external, cb_program::flag_initial, cb_field::flag_invalid, cb_label::flag_is_debug_sect, cb_field::flag_is_global, cb_field::flag_is_pdiv_opt, cb_field::flag_is_pointer, cb_field::flag_is_returning, cb_field::flag_is_verified, cb_field::flag_item_78, cb_field::flag_item_based, cb_field::flag_justified, cb_file::flag_line_adv, cb_program::flag_main, cb_statement::flag_merge, cb_statement::flag_no_based, cb_field::flag_occurs, cb_label::flag_real_label, cb_program::flag_recursive, cb_label::flag_return, cb_program::flag_screen, cb_label::flag_section, cb_program::flag_segments, cb_field::flag_sign_leading, cb_field::flag_sign_separate, cb_label::flag_skip_label, cb_label::flag_statement, cb_field::flag_synchronized, cb_program::flag_trailing_separate, cb_program::flag_validated, cb_program::flag_void, cb_report::footing, cb_program::function_spec_list, functions_are_all, get_default_display_device(), cb_program::global_handler, cb_program::global_list, cb_statement::handler1, cb_statement::handler2, cb_statement::handler_id, handler_struct::handler_label, handler_struct::handler_prog, has_relative_pos(), header_check, cb_report::heading, IF, in_debugging, in_declaratives, increment_depth(), cb_field::index_list, cb_field::indexes, inspect_keyword, is_screen_field(), cb_key::key, cb_alt_key::key, cb_file::key, cb_field::keys, cb_program::label_list, cb_report::last_control, cb_report::last_detail, cb_file::latbot, cb_file::latfoot, cb_file::lattop, cb_field::level, likely, cb_file::linage, cb_file::linage_ctr, cb_report::line_counter, cb_report::lines, cb_program::linkage_storage, literal_value(), cb_program::local_storage, cb_program::locale_list, cb_file::lock_mode, lookup_system_name(), cb_program::loop_counter, main_flag_set, MAX_FD_RECORD, cb_program::mnemonic_spec_list, MULTIPLY, cb_field::name, cb_file::name, cb_statement::name, needs_debug_item, needs_field_debug, cb_program::nested_level, cb_alt_key::next, next_label_id, cb_field::nkeys, non_const_word, NULL, cb_program::num_proc_params, cb_program::numeric_separator, cb_field::occurs_max, cb_field::occurs_min, cb_file::optional, cb_file::organization, cb_program::orig_program_id, cb_report::page_counter, cb_field::parent, PENDING, PERFORM, cb_field::pic, prog_end, cb_program::prog_type, cb_program::program_id, push_expr, qualifier, READ, cb_file::record_depending, cb_file::record_max, cb_file::record_min, cb_field::redefines, redefinition_error(), cb_program::reference_list, remove_attrib(), cb_field::rename_thru, report_count, cb_program::report_list, cb_file::reports, RETURN, cb_program::returning, REWRITE, samearea, save_debug, cb_field::screen_backg, cb_field::screen_column, screen_display(), cb_field::screen_flag, cb_field::screen_foreg, cb_field::screen_from, cb_field::screen_line, cb_field::screen_prompt, cb_program::screen_storage, cb_field::screen_to, SEARCH, cb_label::segment, set_up_func_prototype(), set_up_program(), set_up_use_file(), setattr_val_off, setattr_val_on, cb_file::sharing, sign, cb_field::sister, size_mode, skip_statements, cb_tree_common::source_file, cb_program::source_name, cb_file::special, START, start_debug, cb_field::step_count, cb_field::storage, STRING, SUBTRACT, cb_program::symbolic_char_list, SYN_CLAUSE_1, SYN_CLAUSE_10, SYN_CLAUSE_11, SYN_CLAUSE_12, SYN_CLAUSE_13, SYN_CLAUSE_14, SYN_CLAUSE_16, SYN_CLAUSE_17, SYN_CLAUSE_18, SYN_CLAUSE_19, SYN_CLAUSE_2, SYN_CLAUSE_20, SYN_CLAUSE_21, SYN_CLAUSE_22, SYN_CLAUSE_23, SYN_CLAUSE_24, SYN_CLAUSE_3, SYN_CLAUSE_4, SYN_CLAUSE_5, SYN_CLAUSE_6, SYN_CLAUSE_7, SYN_CLAUSE_8, SYN_CLAUSE_9, TERM_ACCEPT, TERM_ADD, TERM_CALL, TERM_COMPUTE, TERM_DELETE, TERM_DISPLAY, TERM_DIVIDE, TERM_EVALUATE, TERM_IF, TERM_MULTIPLY, TERM_PERFORM, TERM_READ, TERM_RETURN, TERM_REWRITE, TERM_SEARCH, TERM_START, TERM_STRING, TERM_SUBTRACT, TERM_UNSTRING, TERM_WRITE, TERMINATOR_CLEAR, TERMINATOR_ERROR, TERMINATOR_WARNING, UNSTRING, use_global_ind, validate_file(), value, cb_field::values, cb_perform::varying, warningopt, cb_program::working_storage, WRITE, YY_, YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN, YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END, YY_REDUCE_PRINT, YY_STACK_PRINT, YY_SYMBOL_PRINT, YYABORT, YYACCEPT, yyclearin, yydestruct(), YYDPRINTF, YYEMPTY, YYEOF, yyerrok, yyerror, YYERROR, YYFINAL, YYINITDEPTH, YYLAST, yylex, yylval, YYMAXDEPTH, yynerrs, YYNTOKENS, yypact_value_is_default, YYPOPSTACK, YYSIZE_T, yyalloc::yyss_alloc, YYSTACK_ALLOC, YYSTACK_BYTES, YYSTACK_FREE, YYSTACK_RELOCATE, YYSYNTAX_ERROR, yytable_value_is_error, YYTERROR, YYTRANSLATE, yyalloc::yyvs_alloc, and zero_conflicting_flags().
static |
Definition at line 6334 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yytnamerr().
static |
Definition at line 6317 of file parser.c.
References YYSIZE_T.
Referenced by yysyntax_error(), and yytnamerr().
static |
Definition at line 6404 of file parser.c.
References YY_, YY_NULLPTR, YYCASE_, YYEMPTY, YYLAST, YYNTOKENS, yypact_value_is_default, YYSIZE_T, YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM, yystrlen(), yytable_value_is_error, YYTERROR, and yytnamerr().
static |
Definition at line 6356 of file parser.c.
References YYSIZE_T, yystpcpy(), and yystrlen().
Referenced by yysyntax_error().
static |
Definition at line 1138 of file parser.c.
Referenced by zero_conflicting_flags().
static |
Definition at line 1150 of file parser.c.
Referenced by yyparse().
int cb_exp_line = 0 |
Definition at line 174 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_expr_finish(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 231 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 228 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
static |
static |
Definition at line 230 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_set_usage(), clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 208 of file parser.c.
Referenced by begin_statement(), clear_initial_values(), terminator_clear(), terminator_error(), terminator_warning(), and yyparse().
unsigned int cobc_cs_check = 0 |
Definition at line 182 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_build_program(), cb_error(), cb_validate_program_body(), lookup_reserved_word(), yylex(), and yyparse().
unsigned int cobc_force_literal = 0 |
Definition at line 181 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), lookup_reserved_word(), and yylex().
char* cobc_glob_line = ((void*)0) |
Definition at line 173 of file parser.c.
Referenced by begin_statement(), and clear_initial_values().
unsigned int cobc_in_procedure = 0 |
Definition at line 179 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_build_program(), clear_initial_values(), lookup_reserved_word(), yylex(), and yyparse().
unsigned int cobc_in_repository = 0 |
Definition at line 180 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_build_program(), cb_error(), clear_initial_values(), lookup_reserved_word(), yylex(), and yyparse().
static |
static |
static |
Definition at line 211 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
struct cb_label* current_paragraph = ((void*)0) |
Definition at line 171 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_validate_program_body(), print_error(), and yyparse().
struct cb_program* current_program = ((void*)0) |
Definition at line 168 of file parser.c.
Referenced by build_file(), build_report(), cb_add_78(), cb_build_alter(), cb_build_assignment_name(), cb_build_cond(), cb_build_debug_item(), cb_build_field_tree(), cb_build_index(), cb_build_intrinsic(), cb_build_perform_varying(), cb_build_picture(), cb_build_program_id(), cb_build_registers(), cb_check_field_debug(), cb_check_lit_subs(), cb_chk_alpha_cond(), cb_emit_accept(), cb_emit_call(), cb_emit_close(), cb_emit_delete(), cb_emit_delete_file(), cb_emit_open(), cb_emit_perform(), cb_emit_read(), cb_emit_rewrite(), cb_emit_sort_init(), cb_emit_sort_input(), cb_emit_sort_output(), cb_emit_start(), cb_emit_write(), cb_ref(), cb_validate_program_body(), cb_validate_program_data(), cb_validate_program_environment(), decimal_alloc(), decimal_free(), finalize_file(), lookup_word(), process_translate(), scan_floating_numeric(), scan_numeric(), set_up_use_file(), valid_format(), validate_field_1(), yylex(), and yyparse().
static |
struct cb_label* current_section = ((void*)0) |
Definition at line 170 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_validate_program_body(), print_error(), set_up_use_file(), and yyparse().
struct cb_statement* current_statement = ((void*)0) |
Definition at line 169 of file parser.c.
Referenced by begin_statement(), build_store_option(), cb_build_cond(), cb_build_expr(), cb_build_identifier(), cb_build_perform_varying(), cb_build_replacing_characters(), cb_build_tallying_all(), cb_build_tallying_characters(), cb_build_tallying_leading(), cb_build_tallying_trailing(), cb_check_field_debug(), cb_emit_allocate(), cb_emit_call(), cb_emit_close(), cb_emit_delete(), cb_emit_delete_file(), cb_emit_free(), cb_emit_goto(), cb_emit_initialize(), cb_emit_inspect(), cb_emit_move(), cb_emit_open(), cb_emit_perform(), cb_emit_read(), cb_emit_release(), cb_emit_return(), cb_emit_rewrite(), cb_emit_set_attribute(), cb_emit_set_to(), cb_emit_sort_giving(), cb_emit_sort_input(), cb_emit_sort_output(), cb_emit_sort_using(), cb_emit_start(), cb_emit_unlock(), cb_emit_write(), check_valid_key(), decimal_alloc(), evaluate_test(), search_set_keys(), and validate_inspect().
static |
Definition at line 200 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
cb_tree defined_prog_list = ((void*)0) |
Definition at line 172 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_find_defined_program_by_id(), and cb_find_defined_program_by_name().
static |
Definition at line 222 of file parser.c.
Referenced by decrement_depth(), increment_depth(), set_up_program(), and yyparse().
static |
static |
Definition at line 238 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values().
static |
Definition at line 220 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 221 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 219 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 223 of file parser.c.
Referenced by set_up_program(), and yyparse().
int functions_are_all = 0 |
Definition at line 177 of file parser.c.
Referenced by cb_build_program(), yylex(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 239 of file parser.c.
Referenced by check_headers_present(), clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 210 of file parser.c.
Referenced by begin_implicit_statement(), begin_statement(), clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 209 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 216 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 217 of file parser.c.
Referenced by set_up_program(), and yyparse().
static |
static |
Definition at line 237 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 236 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 218 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
int non_const_word = 0 |
Definition at line 178 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), yylex(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 213 of file parser.c.
Referenced by set_up_program(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 212 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 215 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 235 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 227 of file parser.c.
Referenced by bit_set_attr(), clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 226 of file parser.c.
Referenced by bit_set_attr(), clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 233 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 198 of file parser.c.
Referenced by decrement_depth(), and set_up_program().
static |
Definition at line 234 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), and yyparse().
static |
Definition at line 246 of file parser.c.
Referenced by begin_statement(), clear_initial_values(), terminator_clear(), terminator_error(), and terminator_warning().
static |
Definition at line 214 of file parser.c.
Referenced by clear_initial_values(), set_up_use_file(), and yyparse().
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |